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Unlocking a World of Opportunities through Teaching English Abroad.

Replay – 14 Oct 2023 Info Session

Presentations  – 14 Oct 2023 Info Session

View Presentations used in Info Seminar 14 October 2023. (CLICK ON LINKS) 

Presentation 1: TEFL ON THE BEACH 

Presentation 2: TEFL ADVENTURES

Presentation 3: RESELLER PROGRAM

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Unlocking a World of Opportunities through Teaching English Abroad.

Reserve your spot to learn more about Teaching English Online or Abroad. Or learn more about our Reseller program and how to earn extra income.  

Next Free Info Session to be confirmed








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  • For our next ZOOM Info Session 

Disclaimer: Please note that event details are accurate as of the creation date. Check back for any updates or changes to the session schedule.

What to Expect

  • Engaging Presentations: Learn from seasoned professionals about the benefits, challenges, and rewards of teaching English abroad.
  • Real Stories: Hear first hand accounts from teachers who’ve transformed lives while exploring new cultures.
  • Interactive Q&A: Get your questions answered by experienced educators and program coordinators.
  • Exclusive Offers: Participants will receive special discounts on our TEFL certification course.


    • Introduction: Welcome and overview of the session.
    • Speaker Presentations: Insights on teaching opportunities, teaching destinations, and return on investment.
    • Our Products & Special Offers: Learn about our Products and get exclusive discounts.
    • Closing Remarks: Final thoughts and encouragement to embark on this rewarding journey.
    • Q&A Session: Your questions answered by our expert panel.

      Placement Countries

      • Thailand
      • Vietnam
      • Cambodia
      • South Korea
      • China
      • Middle East
      • more to follow

        Who Should Attend

        • Job Seekers: Anyone that want to start a career as a Teacher
        • Aspiring Educators: Anyone interested in making a global impact and enhancing their teaching skills.
        • Adventure Seekers: Those eager to combine cultural exploration with meaningful work.
        • Language Enthusiasts: Individuals passionate about promoting language learning across the world.

          Internationally Recognised

          • We are an ACCREDITED TEFL Institution
          • We have helped over 10 000 students with TEFL Courses or Teaching Placements
          • We offer after sales support – as along as you are alligned with us, we will support you.
          • Guaranteed Teaching Jobs abroad
          • We have vacancies in multiple countries (Thailand,Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, China, Middle East) (Allowing you to teach in multiple destinations, subject to completing your contracted employement period)

            Payment Plans


            Cashflow problems?

              • Enroll for our Placement services, by purchasing a placement plan
              • Pay monthly towards a teaching job
              • As soon as your account is paid up, make the required travel arrangements and start a new adventure

               Teaching Abroad Matrix

              Requirements & Benefits per Country

              Country Thailand China South Korea       Vietnam Cambodia  Middle East
              Monthly Salary R 20 000 R 24 000 R 29 000 R 26 000 R 19 000 R 35 000
              Degree Required No Yes Yes Diploma No Yes
              Age 22-55 22-55 21-55 22-60 18-60 25-58
              Experience Required No Yes No No No Yes
              Co-Ordinator Service Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
              Accommodation Provided Part Paid Paid Paid Part Paid Unpaid Paid
              Guaranteed Placement Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
              Non / Native Both Native Only Native Only Both Both Both
              Tax % 5% 5% 5% 5% 7% 3%
              Start Dates All Year Round Sept/Mar Feb All Year Round Sept/Mar

              Aug/Sept & Feb/Mar


              Disclaimer: The matrix serves as a guide and in no way confers any guarantees, whatsoever.

              Debunking Limiting Beliefs about Teaching English Abroad

              Teaching English abroad is an exhilarating journey that promises cultural immersion, personal growth, and the chance to make a positive impact on the lives of others. However, many aspiring teachers are held back by limiting beliefs that cast doubt on their abilities and potential success. In this post, we’ll delve into some common limiting beliefs surrounding teaching English abroad and debunk them with insights and facts.

              Limiting Belief 1: “I’m not a native English speaker, so I can’t teach effectively.” Reality: While being a native speaker can be an advantage, it’s not a definitive requirement for successful English teaching. Many non-native speakers have excelled as English teachers by demonstrating a strong command of the language, a solid understanding of grammar, and effective teaching methodologies. Language proficiency and teaching skills matter more than native status.

              Limiting Belief 2: “I don’t have a degree in education, so I can’t teach.” Reality: While a degree in education can be beneficial, it’s not the only path to becoming a successful English teacher abroad. Many countries and programs accept candidates with degrees in various fields, as long as they show a genuine interest in teaching and possess the necessary language skills. In fact, practical teaching certifications and training can often provide valuable insights into effective teaching techniques.

              Limiting Belief 3: “I’m too old/young to teach abroad.” Reality: Age is not a strict determinant of suitability for teaching English abroad. Many programs value diversity in age, as older teachers can bring life experience, while younger teachers can bring enthusiasm and fresh perspectives. The key lies in finding the right program that aligns with your skills, experiences, and aspirations.

              Limiting Belief 4: “I’m introverted, so I won’t be able to handle a classroom.” Reality: Introversion doesn’t necessarily equate to an inability to teach effectively. Introverted individuals often possess qualities such as active listening, empathy, and deep understanding—essential traits for a successful teacher. Moreover, teaching skills can be developed over time, allowing introverted teachers to find their own teaching style that caters to their strengths.

              Limiting Belief 5: “I can’t handle the cultural differences.” Reality: Adapting to a new culture can indeed be challenging, but it’s also one of the most rewarding aspects of teaching abroad. Programs often offer cultural orientation and support to help teachers navigate cultural differences. Overcoming these challenges can lead to personal growth, increased adaptability, and a broader worldview.

              Limiting Belief 6: “Teaching English abroad isn’t a ‘real’ job.” Reality: Teaching English abroad is a legitimate profession that requires preparation, effort, and dedication. It’s a valuable contribution to global education and can provide you with valuable transferable skills like communication, cross-cultural understanding, and adaptability—traits highly sought after in today’s interconnected world.

              Conclusion: It’s essential to break free from limiting beliefs that hinder your dreams of teaching English abroad. The reality is that there are diverse paths to becoming a successful English teacher, and your unique qualities and experiences can be assets in the classroom. By debunking these limiting beliefs and embracing the opportunities that teaching abroad offers, you can embark on a fulfilling journey of personal and professional growth while making a positive impact on the lives of your students.

              Top 10 - Frequently Asked Questions

              Teaching English abroad is a transformative experience that opens doors to new cultures, meaningful connections, and personal growth. As you consider embarking on this exciting journey, it’s natural to have questions. In this post, we’ll address some of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) about teaching English abroad, providing you with insights and guidance to help you make informed decisions.

              1. What qualifications do I need to teach English abroad? Qualifications vary by country and program, but a bachelor’s degree is often a common requirement. Some countries might also require a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) or TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certification. It’s essential to research the specific requirements of your desired destination.

              2. Do I need to be a native English speaker to teach English abroad? While being a native English speaker can be an advantage, many countries and programs welcome non-native speakers who demonstrate fluency and proficiency in the language. Your ability to communicate effectively and teach the language is more crucial than your native status.

              3. Can I teach English abroad without prior teaching experience? Yes, many programs accept candidates with little to no teaching experience. However, completing a TEFL or TESOL certification can provide you with valuable teaching techniques and boost your confidence in the classroom. Some programs also offer training upon arrival.

              4. What’s the typical contract length for teaching English abroad? Contract lengths can vary widely, ranging from a few months to a full academic year. Some positions might offer short-term opportunities during school breaks. It’s important to clarify the contract duration and any renewal options before signing.

              5. How do I choose the right destination to teach English abroad? Consider factors such as cultural compatibility, language barriers, cost of living, job opportunities, and the overall lifestyle you’re seeking. Research countries that align with your preferences and values to ensure a fulfilling experience.

              6. Will I need to learn the local language? While not always mandatory, learning the local language can greatly enhance your experience and interactions with locals. It’s a sign of respect and can help you navigate daily life more effectively.

              7. What’s the average salary for teaching English abroad? Salaries vary widely based on factors like the country, cost of living, and your qualifications. In some countries, you might earn a comfortable living, while in others, your salary might cover basic expenses with some extra for exploring.

              8. What’s the process for obtaining a work visa? Each country has its own visa requirements and application process. Many programs provide guidance and assistance in obtaining the necessary work visa. Research the specific requirements of your chosen destination well in advance.

              9. Can I teach English abroad with a family/partner? Yes, it’s possible to teach abroad with a family or partner, but it requires careful planning. Consider factors like schooling for children, healthcare, and overall family well-being when choosing a destination.

              10. How do I handle cultural differences and potential homesickness? Cultural adaptation can be both challenging and rewarding. Most programs offer cultural orientation and support to help you navigate these challenges. Staying connected with loved ones through technology can also help alleviate homesickness.

              Conclusion: Teaching English abroad is a remarkable journey that offers the chance to learn, grow, and make a positive impact on the lives of others. By addressing these common FAQs, we hope to have provided you with the information you need to take the first steps toward this exciting and fulfilling adventure. Remember that every experience is unique, and with proper research, preparation, and an open heart, you can embark on a transformative teaching journey.


              Placement Assistance vs Placement Guarantee

              With placement assistance we allow you access to our daily job feed, introduce you to recruiters and show you awesome easy methods to help you find work on your own. Of course we assist with information on all other issues such as visas, flights, accommodation etc.
              With placement guarantee, you are guaranteed to be placed in a job at the end of your course. Please view our jobs section on our website to find out how we are able to achieve this…
              Our placement team and specialists are able to place you in Thailand, Vietnam, China and Cambodia. We are working very hard to improve our range.
              With guaranteed placement, you have peace of mind that your investment in your tefl course with us will soon be recouped. Please contact us if you would like more information.

              Do I Need A Degree To Teach Abroad?

              The truth is that if you have tefl or a tesol accredited course completed, any school will be happy to hire you. You are also able to teach English online without a degree and earn equal and sometimes more than in class teaching. Contact us to find out which countries demand a degree in order to obtain a work permit.

              Visa For Me And My Family

              At TEFL on the Beach we are able to assist you with information about all the requirements for your visas. We can tell you exactly what is needed dependant on your situation. So that when living abroad, you have peace of mind that you are living legally.


              Our Accreditation

              In order to achieve accreditation and meet international standards, the following needs to be achieved:

              1. At least 100 hours of coursework and training.
              2. At least 6 to 20 hours live practice.
              3. External validation and accreditation by a recognised, independent body within the field.
              4. Course instructors to hold at least a masters degree.

              What Am I Responsible For?

              First and foremost, as much as we pride ourselves on our values, one of it being ensuring end-to-end support, your safety is firstly your responsibility before anyone else’s. Research, check, double check, don’t do anything dumb, and stay vigilant at all times when travelling.

              You are required to complete your TEFL course successfully and timeously, record a 30 second intro video, apply for your police (criminal) clearance from your home country, obtain a valid passport (with at least 1 year validity still available), notarize necessary documents, pay for your flights, and of course, pay us on time… ?

              Types of Schools and Locations

              By completing our courses you are eligible to teach at any school in any country. The types of schools available are private schools, public schools, online teaching and language centres. We have links to all types of schools!


              The schools we place you at are always rather accessible. Either by bus, or train. We are able to assist you with a monthly rental of a scooter and if you need scooter lessons and a licence, we provide that too.

              After Sales Service

              We at TOTB will continue to assist our teachers once they have arrived in their destination country.
              The assistance we offer is related to airport pickup; securing appropriate accommodation; processing of visas; transport to and from school; opening up a bank account and health insurance; as a lifetime member of the TOTB family we will assist with future placements at no extra charge.


              When hired by a school or a recruiter, you are assisted fully with options for accommodation. You need not worry…

              We are also able to assist you with alternatives that are suited to your needs. Contact us to find out more!

              Why Choose Us?

              Simple, our service level agreement dictates that we have to respond to 90% of our queries within 4 hours of receiving it. You will never be left in the dark. We are a family owned company with family values, and we didn’t choose these values, these values chose us. This is naturally who we are and we would love for you to be a part of it.

              We are a group of existing teachers, that has lived abroad in various countries and have real life experience with almost any living abroad issue you can possibly think of. We’ve experienced it and overcome it and can help you overcome that too. Our placement team and specialists are able to place you in Thailand, Vietnam, China and Cambodia. We are working very hard to improve our range. If this is not enough, we also offer the boring stuff, we are fully accredited and able to guarantee you a job. Need more info… Contact us now!

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              English Matters.

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              +66 95 530 8105 (Thailand)

              +27 62 972 5010 (South Africa)